(一)Standards for Students 弟子規
1.Be trustworthy,cautious and kind,and draw near to those who are good.Whatever time you have left should be devoted to learning.
汎愛眾 而親仁 有餘力 則學文
2.When your mother or father is calling,do not be slow to respond.When your parents tell you to do something,do not be lazy or sulky.
父母呼 應勿緩 父母命 行勿懶
3.If you carelessly injure your body,your parents will worry and fret.If you heedlessly damage your virtue,you bring shame and disgrace to your parents.
身有傷 貽親憂 德有傷 貽親羞
4.For three years after their death,remember them always in sorrow.During this period of mourning,don’t not drink wine or eat meat.
喪三年 常悲咽 居處變 酒肉絕
5.When people are eating or drinking,sitting down or taking a walk,Let those who are older go first.The young ones should follow behind.
或飲食 或坐走 長者先 幼者後
6.Speak softly in front of your elders,in a low voice that pleases the ear.But you are wrong if you are speaking so softly that no one can hear.
尊長前 聲要低 低不聞 卻非宜
7.Your hat and other clothes should be put in their own special places.Do not leave them just lying around,or they are sure to get wrinkled and soiled.
置冠服 有定位 勿亂頓 致污穢
8.You should carry an empty container,just as carefully as one that is empty,as you would if a crowd were inside.
執虛器 如執盈 入虛室 如有人
9.If you use someone else’s belongings,be sure that you ask for permission.If you don’t get the owner’s permission,then stealing is what you have done.
用人物 須明求 倘不問 即為偷

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